Printing and IE10

Internet Explorer 10 has documented issues when it comes to printing, however there is a quick fix that has worked in all cases where we have seen issues so far.

IE10 has a mode called Compatibility View, which basically reverts the way IE10 acts back to an earlier version of IE, and this appears to fix most printing oddities (and other display issues occasionally).  We do not suggest leaving compatibility mode on all the time, and there is a quick way to set and unset it when you need to do on the fly fixes, like for printing as an example.

In the IE10 address bar there is a small icon that looks like this: cvOff  To turn on Compatibility View, simply click the icon so it changes to blue, like this: cvOn and try your printing again. A page refresh ‘may’ be needed after your turn the CV on. Remember to turn CV off after you print.

If this does not work for you, please use IMXTechSupport to submit a ticket and we will gladly investigate further.