Import SanMar Product File SanMar_EPDD

This vendor product file is troublesome when importing manually AS IS into SQL Server.  When obtaining the file via FTP (credentials in vendor table), it is received as a .csv file.  The following actions make importing this file through SQL Server Import and Export Wizard possible:

  1. Open SanMar_EPDD.csv in Excel
  2. Delete the Product_Description column.
  3. Save the file as an .xlsx file!
  4. Then import the .xlsx file into SQL as _SanMar_EPDD_[x] where [x] is the next increment from similarly named tables that already exist in EOSLizard.  With one exception, this should also automatically map the datatypes.*If the Product_Description field needs imported, must manually do DB updates per product.

This sounds simple, but if you have tried to import the file as .csv, you will spin your wheels indefinitely!

After this, you can reference this new table for manually adding/updating products in EOS.